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Prioritize Equity

How Co-Teacher Collaboration Can Benefit Your Classroom

Featuring Alejandra Chavez, Education Specialist at Rocketship Mosaic Elementary | June 10, 2024

Hear from Ms. Aly about how a small team of educators can make a big difference in student outcomes through thoughtful planning, focused collaboration, and personalized accommodations. Ms. Aly was one of our highest-performing educators in California for the 23-24 school year.

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How to Spark Joy in ESL Classrooms with a Multilingual Learning Clubhouse

Featuring Ms. Amy De La Rosa, Multilingual Specialist, Nashville Northeast Elementary | June 1, 2023

Listen in to an audio interview with Amy De La Rosa, a Multilingual Specialist who has worked as an educator for over 14 years and found an innovative way to help her students learn English in a more accelerated, playful way.

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Why We’re Revamping our Humanities Curriculum with an Anti-Racist Lens

Eesir Kaur, Senior Director of Humanities and Professional Development | October 15, 2020

We realized that while we've made significant progress towards academic success, cultural competency, and embedded social-emotional learning, we were quite a ways away from creating opportunities for sociopolitical consciousness. So, we've begun revamping our history lessons and text selections. Learn how.

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