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10 Years in Tennessee

Ten years ago when we opened our first Rocketship school in Tennessee, we knew that we were doing something special with our families and the community of Nashville. Hundreds of families came to Rocketship Nashville Northeast Elementary that first year–the largest charter opening ever in the city–and were joined by hundreds more at Rocketship United Academy the next year and Rocketship Dream Community Prep in 2022. Those Rocketeers danced their way through Launch, grew leaps and bounds with their personalized learning plans, and created a deep community here in the Volunteer State.

And today, our Rocketship Tennessee alumni are excelling in middle school, high school, and soon, in college. We recently caught up with three alumni who are seniors at RePublic High School in Nashville and heard about Rocketship continues to impact them to this day.:

“Wow, Rocketship! Fourth grade was such a long time ago, haha, but it was fun and full of memories. I remember back to the writing class that I was in. It was very engaging and fun. I remember how they made the environment their own and truly made it fun. My plan after high school is to attend Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). I am majoring in Animal Science! I want to be a veterinarian or vet tech.”
-Akeelah Moore
High School Senior, RePublic High School
Former Student, Rocketship Nashville Northeast Elementary

“Rocketship United Academy wasn’t just a school; it was a place where I found not only academic growth but also personal development and lifelong friendships. It’s where I learned the value of teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of cherishing every moment. Reflecting on those memories fills me with happiness for the experiences and the people who made my time at Rocketship United Academy truly unforgettable.”
-Courtney Koon
High School Senior, RePublic High School
Former Student, Rocketship United Academy

“Thinking back on my time at Rocketship Nashville Northeast, there’s one memory that stands out above the rest. It’s the image of me and my buddies playing soccer in the big gym. The sound of our laughter bouncing off the walls, the thrill of chasing after the ball – those moments were pure joy. My friends weren’t just classmates; they were like family, always there for each other through thick and thin. I may not remember all my teachers’ names, but I’ll never forget the impact they had on me. They believed in us, pushed us to be our best, and helped shape who we are today.. So here’s to the school that helped mold me into who I am today. Thank you for the good times and the life lessons. You’ll always hold a special place in my heart.”
-Pedro Gonzalez
High School Senior, RePublic High School
Former Student, Rocketship Nashville Northeast Elementary

Published on May 2, 2024

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