Milwaukee Parents Organize to Increase Funding for Charter Schools
This week over 50 Rocketship families from both Rocketship Southside Community Prep and Rocketship Transformation Prep in Milwaukee attended the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee Public Hearing on State Budget Revisions. Our Rocketship Families joined over 200 parents and families from choice schools across the city who are organizing together to advocate for equalizing school funding across all education sectors in the state. Our Milwaukee choice schools only receive 60% of what traditional public schools receive to fund each student’s education and families are demanding that funding be equalized in this year’s budget cycle! Two of our very own Rocketship moms, Rocketship Southside Community Prep’s Carla Reyes and Transformation Prep’s LaToya Woods were two of the 5 parents selected to give their testimonies at the hearing on behalf of the city-wide Equal funding movement.
Rocketship families, in coalition with 9 other choice schools in Milwaukee, will be meeting with 11 of their state representatives in the next few months of the legislative cycle to advocate for funding the closing gap in a momenus city-wide effort to ensure that education funds follow our students wherever they are best served.
Published on April 5, 2023
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