Home / Blog / Rocketship Transformation Prep Celebrates New 5,000 Square Foot Addition, Further Investing in the Westlawn Neighborhood

Rocketship Transformation Prep Celebrates New 5,000 Square Foot Addition, Further Investing in the Westlawn Neighborhood

Rocketship Public Schools Wisconsin officially cut the ribbon for the brand new, 5,000 square foot gymnasium addition at Rocketship Transformation Prep earlier this month. The added physical space provides a large multi-purpose gymnasium space that gives students the opportunity to enjoy art, dance, physical education, and science classes. This building also enables reconfiguration of the existing school facilities to create two new full-size classrooms, a cafeteria, servery, and a laundry room available for families to use for free.

“This addition not only gives our Rocketeers a place to come together as one school community, but provides a space for our entire northside neighborhood to gather,” said Rocketship Wisconsin Executive Director Kadeem Gill. “Our kids deserve excellent facilities to go along with the excellent education our teachers here at Rocketship deliver every single day. By creating a big, beautiful space for our students to stay active and healthy all winter long, we are further supporting the whole student as they learn and grow.”

Located on Milwaukee’s northside, Rocketship Transformation Prep serves roughly 250 students in grades K4-5th – 89% of whom are classified as socioeconomically disadvantaged, 84% Black, 18% receiving special education services and 5% of students are homeless. This addition is one of several new projects in the Westlawn neighborhood as part of the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Grant Program.

“My son has special needs and he has thrived at Rocketship Transformation Prep since the first day it opened,” said Rocketship Parent Jade Carr. “The new additions to campus will give my baby, and all our kids, extra space to be able to learn, dance, play, and have even more fun at school. And as a neighbor of the school myself, I am excited to see more brand new development come to Westlawn.”

The project was designed by Quorum Architects and built by Oxeland Group. Rocketship Transformation Prep opened in August 2018 in the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center to serve Milwaukee’s northside. Rocketship purchased the former Blessed Savior Catholic Church North Campus site at 5501 N 68th St Ave in 2019 and moved the school over in 2020. Rocketship came to the Westlawn neighborhood because many school-age students were leaving their community to attend a high-quality school. Rocketship Transformation Prep partners with the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center and many community groups to provide students a comprehensive suite of educational and social services.

CBS58 covered the event:

Published on November 28, 2023

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