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Students Inspire Adults to Vote in #RocketshipVotes Election Unit

Are you a teacher looking for creative ways to inform and engage your students about the current elections? In October, our teachers took part in a wider #RocketshipVotes campaign where we encouraged all staff and parents to learn about their voting rights and make their voice heard. We knew we couldn’t leave our Rocketeers out of this vibrant conversation, so we created an election unit complete with five days of lessons and activities. Our students loved the process so much we decided to share our lesson plans and class project resources with other teachers like you!

 You can download the TK-grade 2 lesson plan and the grade 3-5 lesson plan here. 

Engaging the Wider School Community

Our Parent Leadership & Organizing team led this campaign and knew it was important to engage families and staff from in a variety of ways. Here’s a snapshot of what we implemented in early October. Amidst today’s growing, revitalized movement for racial equity and the pandemic negatively impacting our families through unemployment, lack of housing, or even losing their loved ones, it’s important we use our votes to ensure our individual voices are heard.

Network-wide Voter Registration & Mobilization work:

Social Media Campaign to promote importance of voting, provide voter registration resources and deadlines on school FB pages
-Workshops, Parent Coffee Presentations, and office hours to educate and support families in registering and voting.
-Voting & Civic Engagement Lessons for Rocketeers
-Phonebanking Sessions for Schools Teams & Network Staff to encourage registration and support current and alumni families in registering to vote

Parent Leadership & Education Organizer Voter Education work:

East Bay:
-Antioch Unified School Board Interview Series with RDL Parent Leaders
-Antioch Unified School Board Candidate Forum held by RDL Parent Leaders & Grace Bible Fellowship

-RRWC parents participated in and watched Innovate Redwood City Council Candidate Forum.

South Bay:
-Santa Clara County School Board Candidate Interview Series held by San Jose Parent Leader Coalition

Washington DC:
-Community Conversation with at-large City Council candidates and State Board of Education Candidates held by RLP parent leaders

Our students in Washington, D.C. got creative and created this video to inspire us all to rock the vote! Many more heartwarming photos and videos have been shared since. Thank you to everyone who has participated and don’t forget – your vote is your voice!

Published on October 16, 2020

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