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“Words cannot describe the relief my family feels…”

The COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting low-income communities of color across our country – the very communities our mission compels us to serve. The impact of this crisis on our families can be catastrophic: lost housing, food insecurity, reduced access to healthcare. These are key factors that cause children to experience “toxic stress” which research has shown can derail student learning and delay child development. 

When our most vulnerable families needed help, our community stepped up to provide critical support. 

On April 2, we launched the Rocketship Family Relief Fund. In just six weeks, we raised $400,000. By the end of May, we distributed all of these funds to 800 of our most vulnerable families – providing direct financial support for essential needs when they needed it most. This is what a few of our families had to say:

The money helped in countless ways because without it, I would not have been able to maintain basic life anymore. The entire Rocketship organization is an outstanding place that changes, and sometimes saves, the lives of their students and families. I don’t know of any other school that goes to the lengths that yours does. You are truly guardian angels.”  – Nashville family

“My family and I would probably have to sell all of our belongings just to get by had we not gotten help. Words cannot describe the relief my family feels. You have made a difference in our family’s life and given me more reasons to educate my children that they could give someone hope and the feeling that someone cares.” – Bay Area family

“COVID has taken a toll on my family – we were short on groceries and other goods I never would have imagined we’d be unable to afford. During this time of stress, this funding helped me buy groceries and pay our utility bill. We are so thankful for your help and support.”  – Milwaukee family

I am just so thankful because we needed the extra help. I don’t like to ask for help but this was right on time. I not only thank you all but I thank God for allowing you all to bless us!” – Washington, DC family

Thank you to all of our generous supporters for contributing to our Family Relief Fund. Donations came from across the country – from long-standing champions, new supporters, board members, and Rocketship staff. Your generosity and support is yet another testament to the transformative power of our Rocketship community.

Thank you. 

P.S. In case you missed it, take a moment to watch this video highlighting how our schools, teachers, students, families, and teams came together to advance our mission during school closures. 

Published on June 19, 2020

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