Home / Blog / #RocketshipFirstDay of School: Big Dreams for 2019/20

#RocketshipFirstDay of School: Big Dreams for 2019/20

The first day of school marks a new journey of academic and personal growth for our Rocketship families. It is a day of excitement for the possibilities that a brand new year brings. Last year on the nationally-normed NWEA MAP exam, we saw the highest absolutes that we have ever seen AND the best fall-to-spring growth in six years! Our Rocketeers are on fire! In 2019/20, we’re going to keep up that momentum and continue to grow our brains, challenge ourselves, and create the space to dream even bigger!

Scroll down to see the promise on our Rocketeers’ faces on the first day of the 2019/20 school year. Thank you to our parents across our entire network for sharing their #RocketshipFirstDay photos with us.

Rocketship Alma Academy

Rocketship Brilliant Minds Academy

Rocketship Delta Prep

Rocketship Fuerza Community Prep

Rocketship Futuro Academy

Rocketship Legacy Prep

Rocketship Los Sueños

Rocketship Mateo Sheedy

Rocketship Mosaic Elementary

Rocketship Nashville Northeast Elementary

Rocketship Redwood City Prep

Rocketship Rise Academy

Rocketship Rising Stars Academy

Rocketship Sí Se Puede Academy

Rocketship Southside Community Prep

Rocketship Transformation Prep

Rocketship United Academy

Even more #RocketshipFirstDay photos!


Published on September 11, 2019

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